Wednesday 7 January 2015

An Awkward Introduction

Why, hello there!
My, it sure looks bare in here. I'm itching to start to fill up all of this blank space (cue Taylor Swift singing) but I'm not too sure on how to kick-start this whole blog thing. I guess an introduction would be a fitting way to begin! My name's Sara, I'm 16 years old and live in the UK. I'm currently doing my first year of A levels in sixth form, studying English Literature, English Language, History and Philosophy and Ethics (of which I have mocks for in a couple of weeks - eeeeeek!!). 

I wanted to create this blog to come and write in my spare time about things that I love, that inspire me or move me, that I think are important. Not only that, but also to allow me to develop my writing more outside of just academic essays and creative writing coursework. It's a shame but it's rare I write nowadays as a hobby and a new year calls for new changes. There may even be the exciting possibility of me finding a little online community that shares the same interests and loves as me! Who knows? I am open and ready to explore. 

Thanks if you stuck around till the end of this. I just wanted to get the introductions out of the way so I can get cracking on building up my blog. Until next time!

With love, Sara. x

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