Saturday 24 January 2015

New Year Resolutions


  • Learn about the stars - get some books from the library on astrology etc. Be able to find constellations and discover how stars form. 
  • Do more creative, crafty things in my free time - get a notebook and do collages, cut out pretty, positive images from magazines and online and stick them in. Keep these notebooks to return to when I'm in need of inspiration and a reminder of the things I love.
  • Learn to swim. It's a great source of shame and embarrassment for me, as a 16 year old, not to be able to swim, so get in the water and overcome my fear. Even if it's just doggy-paddling, even if the fear doesn't go away entirely, just push myself. Learn not to beat myself up but rather be patient and kind with myself on the days where the fear overwhelms me. Just promise myself that I'll return to try again.
  • Investigate the city more - Norwich is a beautiful city and I'm lucky to live in a place of such culture and history. Venture down streets or into shops I have always passed or missed and have never gotten the chance to explore. Go into charity shops, vintage shops and bookshops especially.  
  • Always choose the vegetarian option over meat where possible.
  • Decorate my room - get some fairy lights to string up, finish gluing and sticking all of my S-A-R-A letters and have a look at some posters or pictures to be stuck up on the walls, or some of the pretty tapestry material to hang up behind my bed.
  • Wear that dress that I love - it's bright, long, vibrant and beautiful but has been hanging in my wardrobe for around 2 years. Now I've finally gained the needed confidence and self-esteem required to put on said dress, I want to wear it and wear it with pride. Dress myself how I wish without fear of judgement. Remember that negative, critical opinions of others don't matter as long as I'm happy. 

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